Strategic prayer for a generation of Christ-like leaders

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Prayer Fuel

Weekly Warrior Prayer Fuel Week 2

Please pray all of these activities will advance New Covenant’s vision to equip students with the academic and biblical foundation to be a generation of Christ-like leaders who eternally impact their world for the glory of God.

  • Mon. Sept. 9          Grandparent Association Mtg @ Liberty Campus 6 pm
  • Tues. Sept. 10        Moms in Prayer @ Warrior Campus Library 8:15 am
  • Fri. Sept. 13           HS ONLY – Back to School Warrior Games
  • Tues. Sept. 17        Moms in Prayer @ Warrior Campus Library 8:15 am
  • Fri. Sept. 20           Junior High Activity Night 6 pm
  • All sporting events – Safety, success, and good sportsmanship
  • JH and HS Mens Soccer, HS Softball, JH Basketball, HS Volleyball, HS AND JH Cross Country

What does God lead you to pray as you consider this image?

Class of 2037

Please join us in praying for the kindergarten class.

Judah, Lincoln, Tess, Levi, Everly, Curtis, Remington, Livianah, Judah, Peyton, Charlotte, Ava, Madelyn, Violette, Kaden, Stella, Evelyn, Evelyn, Knox, Hallie, Sarah, Ayden, Brynnlee, Olivia, Rebekah, Violet, Larrisa, Mackenzie, Aili, Atarah, Jackson, Adeline, Aria, Elijah, Cole, Samuel, Samuel, Yoel, Lincoln, Sterling, Wyatt, Mason, Megan, Davis, Audrey, Harper, Scarlett, Hudson, June, Marshall, Silvy, Hudson, Harper, Keza, Ayla, Raegan, Remington,

We’re honored to highlight these servants who love the NCA students and families. Please pray with and for them as they strive to lead students into discipleship and boost their capacities to serve God.

Hi, I’m Mrs. Palmer, the high school drama and competitive speech coach. Please pray for my drama students as they prepare for our November production of: “A Seussified Christmas Carol”

What does God lead you to pray as you read this verse?

But know that the LORD has set apart the godly for himself; the LORD hears when I call to him. Psalms 4:3

Please pray with this NCA leader who is serving our families:

Hello, I am Delana Reynolds, admissions officer. I have had the privilege of working at New Covenant Academy for 25 years. I ask you to pray for all the students that are new to NCA this year. Pray for them to make friends, adjust to a different school, and be blessed as they work, play, and learn. Pray for their families to also find their special place in our NCA family. Pray that our returning students will be welcoming and helpful to the new ones.

Please pray for this request sent in by our school family:

Please pray for all the staff, faculty, and administrators at NCA to rely on God for their strength, joy, peace, and wisdom as they impact students’ hearts and lives. Please pray that students’ hearts will grow and be encouraged. -Kristy, Parent

With thanksgiving, we celebrate the ways the Lord is working in and through our school.

We are celebrating all our new faculty and staff who have jumped right in and are doing a fabulous job!

We are looking for new prayer fuel to include on this page. This week you can contribute a prayer for the school by clicking here.

Praying as a group?

Leading others in prayer is a great step in making disciples. We want to celebrate your and their faithfulness. For each person that prays with you, we will add 15 minutes to the 23.3 days of prayer committed so far.

How many prayed today (including yourself)?

All Days

Use these resources to help pray specifically each day.