Strategic prayer for a generation of Christ-like leaders

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Prayer Fuel

Weekly Warrior Prayer Fuel week 1

Please pray all of these activities will advance New Covenant’s vision to equip students with the academic and biblical foundation to be a generation of Christ-like leaders who eternally impact their world for the glory of God.

  • Mon. Sept. 2          NO SCHOOL – Labor Day
  • Tues.  Sept. 3         Moms in Prayer @ Warrior Campus Library 8:15 am
  • Thurs. Sept. 5 Board Meeting @ 6:30 pm Warrior Campus Choir Room
  • Mon. Sept. 9          Grandparent Association Mtg @ Liberty Campus 6 pm
  • Tues. Sept. 10        Moms in Prayer @ Warrior Campus Library 8:15 am
  • Fri. Sept. 13           HS ONLY – Back to School Warrior Games
  • Fri. Sept. 13           Early Dismissal – HALF DAY Teacher Prof. Development
  • Upcoming sports activities

What does God lead you to pray as you consider this image?

Please join us in praying for the Jr. K class of 2038

Ella, Oliver, Londyn, Jordan, Skylar, James, Bennett, Theodore, Riley, Halle, Ren, Isabelle, Raelynn, Hawkins, Nolan, Tyler, Abigail, William

We’re honored to highlight these servants who love the NCA students and families. Please pray with and for them as they strive to lead students into discipleship and boost their capacities to serve God.

My name is David Anderlik and I teach Jr. High Science. I am also the Head Baseball Coach. I was drawn to NCA by God only. We moved here from California 10 years ago and I had very little knowledge of NCA, but God led our family here and opened the hearts of the administration to accept us into the NCA family. My constant prayer for our students is that they would draw closer to God’s kingdom through His awesome Creation. That they would see Jesus in all aspects of Creation.

What does God lead you to pray as you read this scripture?

“Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.” – Proverbs 4:23 

Please pray for this request sent in by our school family.

Jesus called us to a humble and self-giving lifestyle, but that isn’t human nature. Please pray that He would transform the hearts of NCA students, teachers, staff, and administration into hearts of humility so that we would be able to love others as He did. -Bethany, student

Please pray with this NCA leader who is serving our families.

Lord—we ask for supernatural wisdom, discernment, peace, stamina and joy for our board, leadership, teachers, students and parents. We desire to overflow with the fruit of the Spirit but we cannot do that without your Spirit filling us. We pray that you would change the desires of our hearts to want what you want us to want so we can see and do what you want us to see and do. -Joel Block, Board member

With Thanksgiving, we celebrate the ways the Lord is working in and through our school.

It was such a special time with Spiritual Emphasis chapels in the high school last week. Students prayed for the administration and faculty, as well as for each other.

We are looking for new prayer fuel to include on this page. This week you can contribute a praise by clicking here

Praying as a group?

Leading others in prayer is a great step in making disciples. We want to celebrate your and their faithfulness. For each person that prays with you, we will add 15 minutes to the 23.3 days of prayer committed so far.

How many prayed today (including yourself)?

All Days

Use these resources to help pray specifically each day.